Project News

Perfect Dad’s Day Gift

By June 7, 2018 No Comments

Dad already has a cabinet full of “World’s Best Dad” coffee mugs: This year, get him something he can really use! Heinen Landscape and Irrigation offers professionally installed sprinkler and irrigation systems, and for a limited only – just in time for Father’s Day – they even come with a Rachio WiFi-enabled controller!

With summer in the air, lawn care is once again the focus of homeowners across the Kansas City metro area. While a mug for Dad’s morning cup of dark roast is an easy enough problem to solve – but keeping the grass hydrated and irrigated all season long requires a little more thought.

A custom sprinkler system from Heinen is the gift that keeps on giving. A novelty mug will quickly start collecting dust on a shelf somewhere, but automated lawn sprinkler and irrigation technology is a home improvement that Dad can keep using for years!

Does dad’s yard have areas in both sun and shade? Are there trees, shrubs, or gardens that have different hydration needs? The Rachio WiFi Smart Sprinkler Controller can address multiple zones with customizable watering levels and schedules – and Dad can control it all right from his smartphone, tablet, or computer. It can even be adjusted whether he’s at home, in the office, or on vacation!

The incredible and immediate control of an automatic lawn-watering system will help him save time, money, and water: No need to worry about overwatering shaded areas while you’re trying to hydrate the sunny spots, forgetting to turn off the water at the end of a session, or having your sprinklers come on in the middle of a rainstorm. The Rachio control system even communicates with the National Weather System station closest to the house in order to monitor rain accumulations in the area.

Dad deserves something great this year – give Heinen a call to see how we can help him (and his lawn) have the best summer yet by installing a custom sprinkler and irrigation system.

Already have a sprinkler system at home? Call Debbie at Heinen at (913) 432-5011 to set up a no-obligation quote with one of our sprinkler and irrigation specialists to upgrade to a Rachio Smart Controller!